China’s President Xi Jinping, poised for third term, urges ‘intensive’ state and party revamp

China’s “rejuvenation” must be guided by Xi and the Central Committee as national governance is “modernised”, the Central Committee said in a communique but it offered no details.
“It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement a new development concept,” the committee, the largest of the party’s top decision-making bodies, said.
The Central Committee also approved a proposed list of leadership candidates to be recommended at parliament.
Lawmakers are expected to endorse the next line-up of top government posts in the Cabinet to be headed by a new premier for the next five years.
The new Cabinet will be immediately put to the test as the economy, while showing signs of recovery, remains on a shaky footing amid feeble consumer demand and a moribund property sector.
China’s development still faces triple pressures including a demand contraction, supply shocks and weakened expectations, the Central Committee said in its communique.
Last year, China’s urban employment fell for the first time in six decades last year while per capita spending saw a rare decline.
Xinhua on Sunday praised Xi’s attention to the masses and their livelihoods.
“The leader of the people does not fail the people, and hundreds of millions of people love their leader!” the news agency declared in an article.
Source: CNA