
Breaking community defends B-girl Raygun and is hopeful for return to Olympic program

Breaking — known to many as break dancing, a term its performers dislike — is not on the program for the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028.

The next Summer Games after that will be in Brisbane, Australia.

“We believe that this has nothing to do with our chances for Brisbane 2032,” Nifontov said when asked about the criticism of Raygun and getting back into the Olympics.

Japan’s Ami Yuasa, known better as B-girl Ami, won the gold medal and said she wished Los Angeles organisers had waited to experience the energy between the athletes and the crowd at Place de la Concorde.

“I feel so sad about it not happening in Los Angeles, because breaking was born in the USA,” she said on Sunday. “Breaking is not just a sport, it’s also expressing myself and art.”

Federation president Shawn Tay defended the evolution — from what started as an art form in the 1970s in the Bronx to an Olympic appearance. Critics have questioned the commercialisation of the sport.

“Right from the beginning we were warned that some of the breakers — the top breakers — may not take part,” he said.

“But now we have achieved to bring them all in — we have all the best breakers. Now they are fighting for the glory of their country — it’s a totally different thing. And that’s actually pushed them to improve so much, to work so hard in a more scientific way.”

Source: CNA

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