Actor Ayden Sng’s fan club spent S$700 on a billboard at Wilkie Edge to wish him happy 30th birthday

According to Ayden, turning 30 has allowed him to know himself better and to “work hard and to keep learning and growing”.
He is also glad to be surrounded by so many supportive people who motivate him to keep moving ahead.
When we asked a couple of Ayden’s fans what made him so special to them, they pointed out his down-to-earth demeanour, always making them feel noticed and appreciated.
“I love hearing Ayden’s thoughts and find him very warm and sincere,” said fan club member Wendy, adding that he is the sort of artiste she would like to support.
Hui Shi also shares that Ayden is especially attentive towards his fans and shows he cares for them.
“One time, he [Ayden] noticed I was having a cold. He got me some Redoxon and put it into my bottle,” she said.
The Baeden Club tells us excitedly that they are already brainstorming for his 31st birthday and cannot wait for the day to come.
It is still a year away, but any guesses as to which shopping mall they are aiming for next year?
Catch Ayden Sng in All That Glitters on mewatch.
This story was originally published in 8Days.
Source: CNA