
China launches drills around Taiwan in angry response to VP’s US trip


The command released video footage purportedly taken on Saturday showing J-16 and J-10 fighter jets and a naval destroyer on patrol.

In text accompanying the footage, set to a thumping orchestral score, it said that the drills were to “test the actual combat capabilities of joint operations of forces in the theatre”.

Equipment deployed included destroyers, frigates and fast attack missile boats as well as fighters, early warning and jamming aircraft that “assembled in a predetermined area”, it said, without giving details.

The forces carried out “omnidirectional encirclement of the island”, the command said.

Taiwan’s government strongly condemned the drills, with the defence ministry saying it had the ability, determination, and confidence to ensure national security.

The government’s Mainland Affairs Council, which makes Taiwan’s China policy, urged Beijing to stop its intimidation and start talks, saying that Taiwan’s people were determined to defend themselves and would never succumb to threats of force.

“The Republic of China, Taiwan, is a sovereign country and has a legitimate and legal right to conduct normal diplomatic interactions with friendly countries,” it added in a statement, using the island’s formal name.

Taiwanese officials had said that China was likely to conduct military exercises near the island this week, using Lai’s US stopovers as a pretext to intimidate voters ahead of next year’s presidential election and make them “fear war”.

Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu wrote on the X social media platform, previously known as Twitter, that China has made it clear it wanted to shape the island’s election, but it was up to Taiwan’s people to decide, “not the bully next door”.

“Look, China should hold its own elections; I’m sure its people would be thrilled,” he added.

Taiwan’s defence ministry released a short video of undated footage showing Taiwanese forces at sea, on city streets and across the countryside. Also set to orchestral music, the video was titled “firmly defend the defend national sovereignty and protect democratic freedom and people’s security!”.

Hours before the drills, US President Joe Biden and the leaders of South Korea and Japan agreed at Camp David to deepen defence and economic cooperation, while reaffirming “the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of security and prosperity in the international community.”

Source: CNA

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