Can Adults Really Increase Their Height? What to Know About Height Supplements

Even if you’re not aiming for the NBA or hoping to become a runway model, being tall can have its advantages. Your height can actually influence your financial and personal health more than you might realize. Even gaining just one inch in height could help you earn up to $800 more annually. Plus, there may be a positive relationship between height and social status. Taller people may even be less susceptible to experiencing certain medical conditions like Type 2 diabetes (mostly related to leg length among men) and dementia (also linked more to men than women).
So, how can you grow taller? One popular way to try is with height supplements — which are targeted at children and adolescents. Supplements like TruHeight, NuBest Tall and Bione claim to work by providing nutrition or sleep-boosting ingredients through vitamins, protein powders and sleep gummies. The overall goal is to help children and adolescents adopt healthy behaviors because some of these behaviors may maximize height.
In saying that, it’s estimated that about 80% of your height comes from your genetics, according to the National Library of Medicine. The other 20% arises from nutrition, physical activity and environmental factors impacting your health. Socioeconomic factors like income, education and occupation can also influence height. Therefore, height supplements may not have the impact you think they will.
Now let’s discuss height supplements, whether they work and all the factors that determine height.
What are height supplements?
Height supplements are vitamins that aim to nurture good health, strong bones and healthy sleep patterns — all things you need for optimal growth. However, it is important to note that a healthy diet, enough physical activity (at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily for kids and teens ages 6 to 17) and proper sleep are enough on their own. These supplements tend to be for kids and teens, as once you’re done with puberty, you’re less likely to grow. Some of the most common supplements include brands like TruHeight, NuBest Tall and Bione.
Do height supplements work?
The short answer is that height supplements may help — if you are a child or adolescent — but don’t expect significant gains. If your child already has a healthy diet, is getting enough physical activity and is getting enough sleep, height supplements probably aren’t necessary. Of course, you’ll want to consult your child’s doctor for their thoughts.
In other words, height supplements alone won’t help you much. However, they can supplement some of the nutrition your body needs, along with a healthy diet, to foster growth. This will also only apply to those who haven’t gone through puberty yet.
What factors affect height?
Dr. Paul Daidone and medical director at True Self Recovery says, “Height is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The potential height range inherited from parents is largely determined by genetics. However, environmental factors such as diet, overall health, exercise and hormone levels during the formative years also play a significant role in growth.”
He continues, “To achieve optimal height, a child or adolescent must consume sufficient essential nutrients during their early and teenage years, including proteins, vitamins (especially D and A) and minerals (like calcium and zinc). The state of health during growth periods and chronic illnesses can also negatively impact height.”
Further, there are medical conditions that can impact your height negatively. If you have any genetic disorders, they could alter your height. The same applies to hypothyroidism.
You can chart your child’s height progress to see if growth appears uniform. From the age of 2 until around puberty, your child should grow around 2.5 inches annually. Diet, exercise and medical conditions like an underactive thyroid condition could cause growth to be higher or lower than average. Work with your primary care physician to ensure your child receives the nutrition and exercise needed for maximum growth potential.
What factors stunt height?
Several factors can hinder a person’s ability to reach their full height potential. They include:
- Genetics: Up to 80% of your height comes from your DNA. If you have shorter parents and grandparents, you may fall into the familial short stature.
- Poor nutrition: Your muscles and bones require adequate vitamins, fruits, vegetables and protein. When bones grow, they do so with two cell sets. The first one creates a bone extension with protein, while the second covers that protein with minerals like calcium. If your diet doesn’t contain enough nutrition, bones won’t extend because they don’t have what they need to produce more cell sets.
- Stress: Stress impacts the activity of the human growth hormone. Prolonged exposure to stress can cause your brain to lower the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 and the growth hormone. These hormones are vital for bone growth.
- Medical conditions: Certain medical issues like hypothyroidism, growth hormone deficiency and more can make it difficult to reach your full height potential.
- Environmental factors: Living in an area where you don’t receive adequate water or sleep can also impair your body’s ability to grow. If you don’t sleep well over time, it can impede the development of the growth hormone.
That is why you should chart your child’s growth progress, as it can reflect their overall health.
How to increase height naturally
Daidone notes, “Most people naturally stop growing taller after puberty when their bone growth plates close. Healthy eating, regular exercise and getting enough sleep can all help promote optimal growth and development during childhood and adolescence.”
He continues, “While there are natural ways to maximize one’s genetic height potential during growth phases, it is usually not possible to achieve significant height increases in adults.”
Can adults increase their height?
No, adults cannot increase their height significantly after their growth plates close. Growth plates are the tissue at the end of long bones in adolescents and kids. They’re weaker than surrounding tendons and ligaments, making them more prone to injury.
The growth plates close toward the end of puberty. For girls, this can be around ages 13-15. Meanwhile, boys’ growth plates tend to stop growing around ages 15-17.
The bottom line
Being taller may improve your financial and social standing. Your genetics play a significant role in how tall you are. Other factors, like environment, stress, nutrition and exercise, can also shape your height potential.
Some have turned to height supplements to help. While they provide access to vitamins and minerals, you can also find these in a well-balanced diet. Kids and teens can also support their height potential through a healthy diet, exercise and proper sleep. Unfortunately for adults, once your growth plates close, there isn’t much to do to gain significant height increases.
Source: CNET