Huge payout expected for a rare coin bought by US farm family and hidden for decades

The sisters from Ohio who inherited one of those two dimes after the recent death of their brother want to remain anonymous given their sudden windfall, Russell said.
They shared with Russell that their brother and mother in 1978 bought the first error coin discovered for US$18,200, which would amount to roughly US$90,000 today. Their parents, who operated a dairy farm, saw the coin as a financial safety net.
One of the sisters said her brother often talked about the rare coin. But she never saw it first-hand until last year.
Russell, whose company is based in Irvine, California, said their brother reached out to him about seven years ago and eventually told him about the coin. He too kept the secret.
When Russell told one of the sisters just a few years ago about the coin’s potential value, he said she remarked: “Is that really possible?”
Now the coin, known as the “1975 ‘no S’ proof dime”, will be displayed at a coin show beginning Wednesday in Tampa, Florida, and before the auction closes in late October, Russell said.
While there is a chance more examples of the rare dime are out there, they would only be found among the 1975 “proof” sets and not in anyone’s pocket change, Russell said.
Still, he expects this latest discovery to set off a lot of searching.
Source: CNA