
ISD to hold engagement sessions with migrant workers following Bangladeshi preacher’s extremist sermon


Dormitory operator Centurion Corporation, which oversees about 35,000 migrant workers, most of them from India and Bangladesh, said it has a team that is dedicated to managing events across its nine Westlite dormitories.

“We vet all our events which are being conducted (whether religious or not) in our dorms. We do have a protocol for that,” said dormitory manager Bakurdeen Majid.

“If we receive any requests for religious activities or speeches to be conducted in our dorms, we will reach out to the relevant religious authorities,” he added.

The operator facilitated close to 800 events last year, including excursions, sports activities and mental health and wellbeing talks. 

“In light of this recent incident, we will pay particular attention to new arrivals,” said Mr Bakurdeen.

“We already briefed our new workers that mass gatherings … are not allowed, and they should check with us if there is anything religious that is to be conducted in the dorms.”

The operator also ensures that anyone assuming a religious position at its dorms is checked.

For example, residents who have religious knowledge and educational certificates are vetted by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), said Mr Bakurdeen.

Some of them are then allowed to be imams leading prayers on dormitory premises during Ramadan as well as Hari Raya Haji and Puasa.

The Singapore Bangladesh Society also urged Bangladeshi workers not to be carried away by messages from what it calls “irresponsible speakers”.

Calling the incident “upsetting”, it said those who attended the sermon might have been unaware of the consequences.

Source: CNA

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