Is national pride growing stronger in Mexico?

A year and a half ago, I wrote a column for Mexico’s independence day arguing that I thought it was time for Mexico to show more swagger on the world stage. My point was that I thought the country needed to be more confident and assertive by being more vocal about its place in the world — including its economic strategic importance and cultural strengths and history.
Don’t get me wrong, Mexicans love their food, their music, their traditions — they are famous for being some of most entertaining fans at any World Cup fútbol event! But I have always felt that Mexicans downplay their country’s own strengths: very proud of being Mexican, but mixed feelings for Mexico.
As an American, I grew up being taught that the U.S. is the best country in the world. French and British friends tell me that they were taught the same about their countries. I have never heard that from Mexicans.
To begin with, there has always been a fascination with Spain that is bewildering to me. Of course I understand the strong family roots that many Mexicans have with the Spanish. I also understand that the Spanish have made many significant positive contributions to the country — but they have done some pretty bad stuff too! A high level of respect and admiration for Spain is certainly warranted; but for many Mexicans, especially wealthier ones, it feels like much more than that. I have been to countless fancy parties in Mexico where the food is paella, the music is flamenco, the drinks are sangria, and the conversation is around upcoming vacations to Madrid or Barcelona.
Then there is the “little brother inferiority complex” that I feel Mexico has in the business world by being so geographically close to the United States. The U.S. economy is so much larger, the per capita GDP of the U.S. so much higher and the US dollar so much stronger, that this is understandable — albeit unfortunate.
Now, Mexico is an increasingly important and intertwined partner of the U.S. Evidence of this is everywhere — from the co-production of many manufactured goods between both nations, to Mexico being the No. 1 producer of goods that the U.S. imports, to the massive amount of Americans that love taking vacations to the country each year.

I have not seen things changing much over the years — until recently. It first started under the former president, AMLO. He was a clear nationalist — calling for more pride in Mexico’s cultural heritage, prioritizing investments in the Yucatán Peninsula and Oaxaca to showcase Maya and other Indigenous cultures, and demanding that other countries hand back cultural relics that had somehow found their way out of the country. AMLO was even proud to have rarely left the country during his term, setting foot outside of Mexico only three times in six years! Despite AMLO’s fervent efforts to increase levels of national pride, I would argue that it only worked with a portion of the population — mostly with those that voted for him. To those that didn’t vote for him, he remained so politically polarizing that he really was never able to rally the country to unify around many of his causes.
Said differently, AMLO began a cycle of increased national pride from Mexicans, but was not able to bring unity. Now however, we are rapidly seeing a convergence of both national pride AND unity amongst the population like I have never seen before, due to two main factors:
1. President Sheinbaum has demonstrated herself to be a highly competent, mature, calm and inspiring leader. Despite many fears to the contrary, she has charted her own path in many ways different from her predecessor. This has helped her win over the many critics who failed to get behind AMLO. I have heard countless Mexicans express genuine pride in how she has handled the country thus far.
2. President Trump has significantly helped unify Mexicans. From violating the USMCA trade agreement with tariffs against Mexico, to vowing to deport large numbers of Mexicans living in the U.S., to threatening to send U.S. troops into the country to “take out the cartels,” Mexicans have been faced with many issues to rally around. And rally they have: Both national pride and political unity have quickly increased.

Sheinbaum’s popularity with Mexicans continues to hit impressive levels, reaching as high as 85% in some recent polls. Mexican business leaders who just weeks ago lamented judicial reform, energy policy and government spending priorities have at least temporarily set concerns aside and are now rallying being their presidenta as she skillfully takes on Trump on a variety of key issues.
Just last week, Sheinbaum repeated a request for Spain to apologize for abuses that took place during the conquest of the Aztec empire. And she has organized a rally in Mexico City’s massive Zócalo plaza this Sunday to publicly respond to Trump’s tariffs in front of what will likely be hundreds of thousands of people.
The past weeks have not been easy for Mexico and uncertainty from the United States will most definitely cause some tough times for Mexicans in the months ahead. But there is something special stirring in the country. The current global events and Sheinbaum’s leadership ultimately might succeed in creating a lasting and profound level of increased national pride and unity in Mexico. As we increasingly see a lack of unity and a decreased sense of national pride in many countries around the world, Mexico might be a shining example of a country with success in these important areas. Let’s hope it lasts and that it brings a lasting positive impact to the country!
Travis Bembenek is the CEO of Mexico News Daily and has been living, working or playing in Mexico for nearly 30 years.
Source: Mexico News Daily