Relatives of Gaza hostages ask to stop talks of execution for Hamas detainees

The only court-ordered execution in Israel was of convicted Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in 1962. Israeli military courts, which often handle cases involving Palestinians, have the power to hand down the death penalty by a unanimous decision of three judges, although this has never been implemented.
Hawkish politicians have, over the years, proposed easing terms for such sentencing, saying executions deter terrorism.
Doing this was “more critical now than ever”, Ben-Gvir said, “first of all, for the sake of those murdered and who fell in the line of duty and, no less, so that there will be no more people kidnapped”.
His proposal has moved slowly in parliament. The conservative Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown little interest in advancing it during its long rule.
Linor Dan-Calderon, three of whose relatives are hostages, accused Ben-Gvir’s party of having “confused priorities”.
“You’ve gotten mixed up, because we are a nation that pursues life, not one that pursues revenge – even if, in the past, we did something to Eichmann,” she said. “I am simply asking you to drop this from the agenda.”
Source: CNA