
South Korea to ask Telegram, other social media firms to help tackle digital sex crimes

SEOUL: South Korean authorities said on Wednesday (Aug 28) they plan to ask Telegram and other social media platforms to more actively help with the deletion and blocking of sexually explicit deepfake content, part of measures aimed at tackling the growing problem.

The steps come amid public and political outrage after several domestic media outlets reported that sexually explicit deepfake images and videos of South Korean women were often found in Telegram chatrooms.

A 24-hour hotline for victims will also be set up and the number of regulatory personnel monitoring digital sex crimes will be doubled from the current number of 70, the Korea Communications Standards Commission said.

The Korean National Police Agency also said it will make a seven-month push to crack down on online sex crimes.

The media watchdog plans to set up a consultative body to enhance communication with social media firms about deleting and blocking sexual deepfake content, its chairman, Ryu Hee-lim, told a meeting on the issue.

For companies that do not have offices in South Korea, it wants to set up a face-to-face channel for regular consultation.

“Production, possession and distribution of deepfake sex crime videos are a serious crime that destroys the individual dignity and personal rights,” Ryu said.

Source: CNA

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