South Korean president eats seafood lunch amid concern over Japan water release

SEOUL: South Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol had a seafood lunch on Monday (Aug 28), his office said, to allay public concern over the safety of local fish products after Japan began discharging treated radioactive water from its Fukushima nuclear plant.
Japan started releasing water from the wrecked plant into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday, sparking protests in Japan and neighbouring countries. Chinese consumers have been particularly upset, and Beijing has announced a blanket ban on all aquatic products from Japan.
In South Korea, the government has said it has found no scientific or technical problems with the release, but public concern remains high over seafood and ocean contamination.
During his weekly meeting with Prime Minister Han Duck-soo, Yoon had a seafood lunch. The presidential office cafeteria also had raw fish on the lunch menu for its staff, it said.
“The presidential office decided to provide Korean seafood products on the lunch menu at our cafeteria every day for a week starting Monday, hoping our people consume our safe seafood products without concerns,” it said in a statement.
Source: CNA