Thai general election: Politicians talk up peace and stability in country’s restive deep south to woo voters

Unlike the rest of Thailand, most people in this region are Malay-speaking Muslims, although there are Buddhists living in the area.
Before the occupation by Thailand in the 18th century, the region was a prosperous, integrated Malay kingdom called Patani.
The region has since experienced separatist movements and insurgencies, which became more frequent after 2004.
There are different insurgent groups in the region, each with varying demands. Some want a level of autonomy for the deep south while others want the establishment of a separate, independent nation.
According to Pattani-based conflict monitoring group Deep South Watch (DSW), there have been at least 21,000 incidents since 2004, resulting in at least 7,300 deaths.
The Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC), a state-run organisation tasked to develop the region’s socio-economy and human resources, however, recorded about 9,500 incidents between 2004 and 2022.
According to SBPAC, there were at least 5,800 deaths during this period.
Source: CNA