The results of our Lessons in Lifestyle hot or not newsletter poll
Your support helps us to tell the story
In my reporting on women’s reproductive rights, I’ve witnessed the critical role that independent journalism plays in protecting freedoms and informing the public.
Your support allows us to keep these vital issues in the spotlight. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to fight for truth and justice.
Every contribution ensures that we can continue to report on the stories that impact lives
Kelly Rissman
US News Reporter
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Every Wednesday culture and lifestyle reporter Ellie Muir sends out our Lessons in Lifestyle newsletter, packed full of details on all the latest trends, wellbeing advice, lifestyle news, fashion tips and more.
Each week, Ellie asks newsletter subscribers for their hot take on a viral story – from Kim Kardashian’s divisive “power nipple” bra to whether Jonathon Ross is showering enough.
The results of these polls can be found here or in the newsletter the following Wednesday.
Please make sure you bookmark this page and – if you aren’t already – then sign up to the newsletter for free by clicking here.
Source: Independent