UNGA: Ethiopia calls for “renewed global solidarity”

Ethiopia’s deputy Prime Minister adressed the 78th session of the UN General Assembly on Saturday (Sep.23).
Demeke Mekonnen Hassen stressed that dosmestic and external funds were required to unleash Africa’s potential.
He added that “the international financial architecture should be reformed with special consideration for Africa’s needs and priorities and a fast-tracked resolution of Africa’s debt crisis and the provision of additional development finance should be top on the agenda”.
He urged member states to choose global partnership over geopolitical competition. He also voiced “grave concern” over the threat of nuclear weapons, calling for cooperation to ensure that new technologies such as artificial intelligence are used responsibly.
On global security, the Ethiopian official emphasized the need for a system that respects the sovereignty of Member States and prevents conflict.
“Ethiopia calls on all member states to recommit to the Charter of the United Nations. Maintaining the status quo will not advance our shared interest of ensuring peace and prosperity. We should collectively work for an inclusive multilateral system to renew our global solidarity”
The deputy PM hailed the Pretoria Peace deal — which ended the conflict in northern Ethiopia; calling it “an embodiment of ‘African solutions to African problems’”.
He also called the Reform of the Security Council ‘an absolute necessity’.
Source: Africanews