United Kingdom
Why are old people in this country happier now than before COVID?
Older adults in England reported better mental well-being after the pandemic, but also slightly elevated depression rates. ADVERTISEMENT Older people…
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This anorexia sufferer once had days to live but aqua therapy saved her life – she now uses it to help others
HOPING TO HELP MORE PEOPLE WITH HER AQUA TULA METHOD In Sydney, Sander recovered enough to live a normal life.…
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Can you develop a bubble milk tea addiction? How does it affect your mental health?
However, this cycle can contribute to problematic outcomes. “When addictive behaviours, such as an addiction to milk tea, are employed…
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Why Lunoji founder Adrian Lim took a 75% pay cut to design pet products
From a one-man operation, Lunoji has now expanded to a team of four, including two designers and one marketing person.…
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