Visiting volcanoes big business in Indonesia but safety in spotlight after several eruptions including Marapi

But predicting a volcanic eruption is not an exact science, as Mount Marapi has made painfully clear.
The major eruption on Sunday (Dec 3) was not preceded by a significant increase in volcanic earthquakes, noted Mr Hendra Gunawan, head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation as reported by the Associated Press.
Volcanic earthquakes are an indicator that an eruption could be on the horizon.
“Marapi eruptions are always sudden and difficult to detect using equipment because the source is near the surface,” Mr Gunawan said.
Because of the challenges in predicting eruptions, it is vital for people to heed the authorities’ advice, say analysts and officials.
“Active volcanoes can erupt at any time. When there is a recommendation not to approach the safety radius, abide by it as much as possible,” said Ms Purnamasari from PVMBG.
Tourists should ensure they engage the services of a certified travel agent or tour guide, said Mr Sapta Nirwandar, chairman of the non-profit Indonesian Tourism Forum.
It’s important to get information about the latest weather and terrain conditions before setting off, he added.
“Don’t be reckless because it involves lives. Now all information can be checked on the internet,” Mr Sapta told CNA.
“If the risk is high, look for other mountains to visit; there are still many inactive volcanoes in Indonesia.”
Additional reporting by Denny Armandhanu
Source: CNA