Read What Murdoch Said in His Deposition in the Fox-Dominion Case

guests like Rudy Giuliani.7 As Rupert testified, “I’m a journalist at heart. I like to be involved in these things.” Ex.600, R.Murdoch 78:22-23.
Scott would discuss “all aspects of the business” with Rupert and Lachlan. Ex.143, Scott 156:5-17. Scott testified that Rupert and Lachlan each call “about once a day,” Ex.143, Scott 165:23-166:5, whereas Rupert testified he speaks to her “once, twice a week,” Ex.600 R.Murdoch 163:24-14, but the effect is the same. Rupert “will generally ask what’s going on in the news and, you know, share any stories because he is not at the morning editorial, and I usually read off what was on the agenda item from the 8:30 editorial….Rupert loves the news….So it’s usually around the news editorial agenda that I received that morning.” Ex. 143, Scott 166:6167:4. And although Rupert denied it, Scott admitted that Rupert and Lachlan will attend the 3:00pm editorial meeting. Ex.143, Scott 167:5-17. As discussed in more detail below, on November 8, 2020, Scott, Rupert, and Lachlan had a “long talk”
E.g., Ex.600, R.Murdoch 75:9-76:25, 78:5-9, 78:17-81:2, 104:2-19, 118:15-120:6 144:1-14, 144:22-145:7, 145:8-18, 163:24-25, 180:16-182:4, 183:4-22, 186:7187:4, 188:23-189:18, 189:23-191:20, 192:16-21, 194:20-195:22, 195:24-197:10, 199:12-200:20, 203:18-205:24, 207:8-20, 207:21-208:8, 210:13-211:25, 216:25219:18, 228:8-233-17, 238:7-239:17, 241:15-242:23, 243:23-246:19, 246:20247:24, 249:7-251:20, 253:7-254:7, 254:20-255:15, 255:17-256:9, 257:19-259:14, 260:21-25, 264:9-21, 265:4-267:8, 269:10-271:2, 274:19-275:15, 277:7-21, 277:22278:7, 278:24-280:19, 280:21-283:2, 292:16-298:1, 317:2-6; Ex.143, Scott 35:1743:20, 86:24-87:6, 93:6-94:12, 102:5-105:13, 127:5-13, 130:22-131:21, 133:8-19, 155:18-157:6, 162:9-164:18, 169:21-171:3, 171:23-173:7, 177:11-21, 184:5-17, 273:4-276:23, 325:4-327:5, 358:8-360:17, 364:9-23, 366:9-367:23.
Source: New York Times